Welcome to Verima
As a naturally introverted person, I worked on the products and details of Verima for months before telling family or friends about my endeavors. In fact it wasn’t until I had finished product formulations, named and trademarked my company, and secured my partners and manufacturers that I finally revealed to friends exactly why I just couldn’t volunteer those extra days in the classroom, pick-up the slack in the carpool and at times (which still brings on the waves of mommy guilt) make it to a handful of my kids’ events.
I am extremely blessed with an incredible core group of women friends who are all blessed with fierce intellect, light humor and most importantly, hearts of gold. Some had vaguely heard about CBD others not at all. But the amount of support and encouragement I receive from them is astonishing and I will be forever grateful to them for their love, expertise, opinions and for pinch hitting for me when I couldn’t quite balance launching Verima and shuttling the kids around.
I was still working on packaging design, website and distribution when it started. A phone call here, a text there, requests in person. We were still weeks from launching our products when friends who had given me so much (never asking for anything in return), were calling me in pain and sometimes, in crisis. A crick in a neck going on day four that hurt so badly it jarred her from sleep throughout the night every time she inadvertently shifted. A ballet dancer friend whose frustratingly slow recovery from knee surgery had him panicked as companies were trying to book him for “Nutcracker” season. A friend whose child was suddenly suffering from debilitating anxiety and there was no availability for new patient appointments for weeks.
I drove around bringing my products still in their sample jars to friends over the weeks and the look of relief and gratitude that spread across their faces when I handed them my products. . . that here was something to help, relieve the pain, bring down the inflammation, restore balance, take the edge off so functionality could resume.

As I continued with this journey, two things came to mind. First, that there was such a need for CBD and people were searching for help. I heard back from these friends. And the neck pain was alleviated. The swelling in the knee brought down so he could stretch it out, maximize his PT sessions and take his place at the barre. The child who slept.
I was determined to hustle even more to get my products officially launched.
And secondly, that I had finally found a way to fulfill my calling to somehow help when people in my circle were not well. Before Verima, I was the person bringing chicken soup, when a friend caught the flu. Magazines and hot water bottles when tendons and ligaments were injured. Hugs and an ear when friends were in crisis. And while I hope to continue to do all those things, now I have a scalable way to bring some relief to my family, friends, acquaintances, community and YOU. And so, I present to all of you: Verima.