How to Store CBD Oil: A Step-by-step Guide

CBD oil is a popular natural remedy for various conditions. It can be consumed in many different ways, and some people even choose to apply it topically. However, people's most common question about CBD oil is, "How to store CBD oil properly?"

CBD oil has many benefits. And it is essential to store it properly to maintain its potency and effectiveness.

This blog post will discuss the best way to keep CBD oil to ensure that you get the most benefits!

How to Store CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a natural and effective treatment for many common ailments, including anxiety, pain, inflammation, and insomnia. It is diluted in a carrier oil like coconut oil, etc.

Does CBD oil need storage? Yes.

CBD oil can be stored in several ways, depending on your preferences.

You can store it in a cool, dark place like a pantry or cupboard or keep it in the fridge. If you're going to be using it regularly, you may want to consider investing in a small airtight container to keep it in.

Whichever way you store your CBD oils, keep them away from light and heat, as both can degrade the quality of the oil over time.

Store in a Cool Place

A CBD product should be stored in a cool and dark place. This will help to preserve its potency and freshness.

An ideal storage location for CBD oil would be a cupboard or a drawer away from any direct heat source or extremely cold temperatures.

It is also important to keep CBD oil out of the reach of children and pets.

If possible, store CBD oil in a dark glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid.

The dark glass will help protect the oil from light damage, while the tight-fitting lid will prevent evaporation.

You can also store your CBD oil in an opaque, airtight container to keep out light and further protect the oil’s integrity.

Refrigerate CBD Oil

For refrigerating CBD oil, place the bottle in a refrigerator for at least one hour before use. This will help to ensure that the oil remains fresh and potent.

When storing CBD oil in a fridge, keep the bottle tightly sealed to prevent the oil from oxidizing.

It is important to note that CBD oil should not be frozen, as this will damage the quality of the oil.

If you need to store CBD oil for an extended period, keeping it in a cool, dark place like a pantry or cupboard is best.

Freezing CBD oil

CBD oil can be frozen, but it isn't necessary. Freezing may prolong the shelf life, but it won't change the properties of the oil.

If you choose to freeze CBD oil, place it in a freezer bag and store it in the coldest part of your freezer. Use within six months for best quality.

Keep in the Original Container

It is best to keep CBD oil in its original packaging when not in use. If you must transfer the oil to another container, be sure to choose one that is dark-colored and airtight.

Be sure to label the new container clearly to know what is inside. It is also important to avoid freezing CBD oil, as this can damage the cannabinoids and reduce its effectiveness.

For How Long Can You Store CBD Oil?

CBD oil can last for several months when stored properly. However, over time the potency of the oil may decrease.

If you notice that the oil is not as effective as it once was, you can try increasing the amount you use or switching to a higher-quality product.

If you need to travel with your CBD oil, keep it in a carry-on bag so it doesn’t get lost or damaged in transit. You may also consider investing in a travel-sized container for easy, on-the-go use.

When it comes to how long CBD oil will last, there is no definitive answer. However, most experts agree that CBD oil will remain potent for at least 12 months and likely up to 24 months when stored properly.

After that, the quality of the oil will start to degrade. Expired CBD oil can have multiple side effects; therefore, store CBD products in a good place.

To get the most out of your CBD oil, use it before the expiration date listed on the bottle. CBD oil's shelf life depends on different factors.

Importance of Properly Storing CBD Oil


CBD oil is a natural product derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. It is non-psychoactive, meaning it does not produce the "high" associated with marijuana use and has various potential health benefits.

CBD oil can degrade over time if not stored properly like all-natural products. Heat, light, and oxygen can cause CBD oil to break down, reducing its effectiveness.

Improper storage of CBD oil can also cause it to develop a rancid smell.

CBD oil should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat. An airtight container is also best, as this will help to keep oxygen out.

If you are using CBD oil regularly, it is best to buy small quantities at a time so that you are not left with a large bottle of unusable oil.

CBD oil has various potential health benefits, so it is important to store it properly to maintain its quality.

Not storing CBD oil properly can lead to it becoming rancid. Rancid oil will have an unpleasant odor and taste and will not be effective in its therapeutic properties.

If you are using CBD oil for medicinal purposes, it is essential to ensure that it is stored properly to maintain its potency and effectiveness.

What If CBD is Not Stored Properly?


Improper storage can cause the oil to degrade quickly, so you will have to replace it more often.

Not storing CBD oil properly can make it more likely to spoil or go bad.

CBD oil that is not stored correctly can also become less potent over time.

Improper storage of CBD oil can also cause it to separate into different phases.

In short, not storing CBD oil properly can lead to some problems, including reduced potency, degradation, and rancidity.


CBD oil is a substance that is extracted from cannabis plants. It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its therapeutic properties.

Moreover, CBD oil can treat various medical conditions, including anxiety, chronic pain, and epilepsy.

However, it is important to store CBD oil properly to maintain its potency and therapeutic effects.